Death & Birth in my Life
Mats Staub











Which deaths and which births have shaped and transformed my life so far? Who have I received, who have I lost and who have I said goodbye to and what has happened to me as a result?

Mats Staub’s new long-term project asks about existential experiences: it approaches the universal through individual narratives and in relation to local contexts. At each location of the presentation it brings together people who tell each other their experiences of death and birth – and at the same time it shows conversations from other regions and establishes connections from one side of the world to the other. As a video installation in theatre spaces, it aims to create places that allow intimacy and at the same time enable a communal experience.


Show Duration: 2 hours, plus interval
Audience Suitability: 12+
Space Size & Capacity: Various
Touring Party: 4

Pearl Herbert


Idea, Concept, Direction:
Mats Staub
Camera: Matthias Stickel, Benno Seidel
Scenography: Monika Schori
Dramaturgical Associate: Simone von Büren, Elisabeth Schack
Technical Direction:
Hanno Sons, Stefan Göbel
Postproduction: Benno Seidel
Production: zwischen_produktionen


Death & Birth in my Life
"Stories that get under your skin and close to your heart. (...) The form creates suction, leaves room for one's own thoughts and memories. Mats Staub gives us the art of listening."
bz Basel